Thinking of Dragons and Demons

“A knight in shining armor is only good for slaying dragons, not mending broken hearts,” is a quote from my friend’s Facebook status.

I saw it there last night, and my first reaction was, well why not? Isn’t that what they are there for? I mean, that’s what we’re taught with all those cartoons – the prince comes in and saves the day. And I want to be the knight, being there for my friends when they need me. Helping them, not only with their broken hearts, but whatever is troubling them. But…

I can’t. I mean I can be there and support them, but only they can heal their own broken heart – piece by piece, take action to solve their problems. I can give my opinion, my advice. But only they can take the steps to help themselves.

So I say, be your own knight in shining armor. Pull out your sword (or other weapon of choice) and start hacking at your own dragon, your own inner demon that keep you from what you want to do with your life. We all have those inner demons, those whispering voices in your head. Only you can do something about them. Work on them every day and you will conquer them. But you don’t have to do it alone. Find a supportive family member, friend, mentor, or even doctor to help you.

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