September 11th – Another Anniversary


Another anniversary comes upon us. Another year. And I think how quickly they accumulate. I know some people think it’s time to move on. Why dwell? They say. You say never forget. Who would forget? For me it is a time to remember. Not just what I was doing that day. The fear of not knowing. About my family, my friends, my friends’ families. Of all the lives lost. But also the acknowledgement that all could change in a second. That people I know and love might be gone. What if I had never said to them, I love you. You are special. You are cherished. What if I was the person who was gone? I would have not said the words I felt in my heart. Words they would later hear in their mind. Feel on a breeze. To comfort them when I am gone. It is the reminder of a heart wrenching day in our history, and a reminder to myself to be present in the lives of the people around me.

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