Endlessly Create Yourself

Life had gotten in the way, I was compiling family history for my father-in-law’s 90th birthday and making a family history book for him. Then there was preparing for the party, work, and any little thing that got thrown in the way. I had not been creating. I needed to get my head back into for my sanity and everyone else’s around me. Then this saying just jumped out at me, kind of screamed actually.
Although I took it as, get creating, it also struck a deeper chord. One of not letting yourself get stale, monotone, the same. We should be trying to better ourselves, grow, learn. And that can be something as small as a change in a schedule, to learning a new recipe, tackling a new skill, traveling, experiencing new music.
Dimensions: 6.5″ x 4.25″
Materials: Book page, ink, watercolor, pencil
To purchase the original, just click here.
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