Paintings & Mixed Media

At one point in time, I tried to separate out my paintings and my mixed media work.
As time ticked by, they combined together and lines blurred.
I have tried my best to divide my work into groups that worked the best together.

Book Page Art

One day while cleaning out one of my bookcases, I stumbled upon a duplicate book in my collection. And it was falling apart. Instead of tossing it into the recycle can, I decided that I could use the pages to sketch and draw on. They have become a favorite medium to share special words, sayings and quotes.



Mixed Media Collage

I tend to collect paper, inks, paints, fabric, and lots of other fun stuff. Items that were purchased, giving or found are all available for use in my artwork. These pieces usually contain identifiable images and words.



Abstract Work

Complete play of colors, shapes and textures. They can be all of one medium, for example oil paint, or mixed media of various inks and paints. This is my absolute favorite.



Tags, ACEO and Other Small Works

I find working on small pieces very challenging. I feel constricted to a small area of play, but help me break out of ruts. I have done tags and ACEOs to pressure myself to create in times where I needed extra pushing. I have come to treasure these tiny pieces of art.

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